Order cancellations and modifications can be directly made through [My Account] → [My Orders] if it is before the shipping process begins.
- Only possible if the order status is [Order Placed].
- Partial cancellation of items is not available; only cancellation of the entire order is possible.
Cancellation is not possible if any product in your order is in the [Preparing Order] status.
Once approved, your order will be canceled immediately. The time required for the refund to be completed varies depending on your payment method and may take up to approximately 7 business days.
For further information regarding refunds, please contact the card provider or bank of payment directly.
<% if (previousArticle) { %>
<% } %>
<% if (items.length > 1) { %>
<% if (previousTitle) { %>
<% } %>
<% if (nextArticle) { %>
<%= previousTitle %>
<% } %> <%= previousArticle.title %>
<% if (nextTitle) { %>
<% } %>
<%= nextTitle %>
<% } %> <%= nextArticle.title %>-
<% items.forEach(function(item) { %>
- <%= item.name %> <%= partial('partial-table-of-contents', { items: item.children, partial: partial }) %> <% }); %>
<% items.forEach(function(item) { %>
- <%= item.name %> <%= partial('partial-table-of-contents', { items: item.children, partial: partial }) %> <% }); %>